Christian Marriage, Family & Parenting Counseling in San Diego

Compassionate Listening

Hi, I'm Pastor Tom Klingforth.

I listen, I care, I genuinely desire God’s will to be done in all areas of your life, and I will help you get there.

I offer Biblically-based counseling for personal, marriage, and parenting issues.

Personal Counseling

Our Christian walk has ups and downs. Sometimes its helpful to have someone listen to us objectively and talk us through difficult situations.

Marriage Counseling

To be successful in marriage, we need to understand our role and our spouse's needs. Jesus uses the stresses of marriage to make us more Christ-like.

Parenting Counseling

We love our children and want what's best for them. We want them to be solid Christians. We want to supply everything they need to make that happen.
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Pastor Tom Klingforth and family

Meet Pastor Tom Klingforth

I'm a Calvary Chapel pastor, ordained since 1982.

For over 36 years, I've offered Biblically-based counseling for personal, marriage, and parenting issues. I studied counseling with Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (J. E. Adams).

I've worked as a pastor and counselor in several churches and rescue missions over the years. I was a Biblical Counselor with Craig Castor at Family Discipleship Ministries for 13 years. I am currently Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Lemon Grove with Senior Pastor, Sean Mercadante.

My wife, Julie, and I have been married for 46 years. We have two adult children and three grandsons.

What’s the first step?

Make an appointment by calling (619) 200-7783, then meet with me at least once to see if we are a good fit, and if you think I can help.

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Listen carefully to what changes God may want to make in your life. Pursue the fruits of the Spirit in your walk with Jesus.

A Counseling Testimony by Pastor Tom:

“For me, the best part of being a Biblical counselor is when entire families turn around. When both a husband and a wife choose to obey the Word of God in both their marriage and their parenting, things change. First, the couple gets a hunger to know God and his Word more deeply. Then they start to treat one another with love and respect, according to their needs (Ephesians 5:33). As they are more unified as a couple, they can also meet their children's needs better. So, in response to the parents' loving leadership, their children also begin to change (Ephesians 6:1-4). I have even seen some formerly rebellious teenagers be transformed by God.

“Family relationships, because they are so close to us, have the capacity to cause us great joy or pain. And family relationships are precious to our Heavenly Father. It is always worth the hard work to begin a journey of biblical counseling. When you learn what God says to families and seek to obey it, He can do a work in you and in your home.”